
Maintenance Agreement Provider Sydney
  -  Maintenance Agreement Provider Sydney

Maintenance Agreement

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At ICTechnology, wesupply maintenance agreements to our customers, customised to meet their needs and expectations. Our aim is to minimise any downtime with 24/7 monitoring and regular system health reporting.

Why Choose Us for Your ICT Maintenance Agreement

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ICT Maintenance Agreement

ICTechnology Offer Services Nationwide


What are the benefits of an ICT Maintenance Agreement?

The benefits of maintenance agreements are many, when it comes to ICT;
– The customer has peace of mind knowing that they are covered, and their devices are in good hands. Businesses know that they will get more out of their devices with the correct support, update management and service when on a maintenance agreement.

How often should an ICT Maintenance Agreement be renewed?

What happens if a maintenance agreement in ICT Services is not renewed?

The maintenance agreement is a contract that allows companies to keep the services of the ICT provider. Companies need to renew the agreement before it expires to continue utilising the ICT services being provided.

Should the renewal lapse, the business devices and infrastructure can become at risk of infiltration and cyber-attacks.