
Data Backup Service
  -  Data Backup Service

Data Backup

Data Backup Service

What is data backup?

Data backup is the process of creating a copy of your data, storing it separately and away to where it is being used. This data must be kept up to date and accessible in times of recovery. Any business with essential data needs a backup to retrieve and restore should their systems be compromised.  

What are the benefits of data backup?

Data backup is a process of storing copies of data to be restored in a situation where systems crash, are attacked or fail. The benefit of having data backup is that it makes the recovery process much easier and faster. 

What are the types of data backup?

The data backup is the process of storing copies of data, preferably on a separate storage device. Common backup mediums include  

Online Backup: an automatic backup of data is saved onto a cloud platform. This is the most efficient way to back up data as it saves as you are working on documentation and in systems. Internet access is required for successful backup into the cloud.  


Local Backup: a backup of data onto the current network, onto a separate device or server.  


External Backup: a backup of data is kept on an external source, such as an external hard drive or USB. This has limited space and is subject to damage and risks loss of data backup. 

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What are some data backup steps for my business?

Data backup is an essential part of any business, and it is necessary to have a backup plan to ensure that your data is safe and secure.

There are many different backup options, and it can be hard to know which one will work best for your business. Here are some steps that you can take to make sure that your data is backed up properly:

First things first, take measures to protect your network and data. An assessment by an experienced MSP (Managed Service Provider) is the best option to do this. Contact ICTechnology for more information.

1) Create a backup plan

2) Backup your data

3) Create a data recovery plan

4) Update your system regularly

5) Use encryption on all data

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