Ever thought how downtime can hurt your business, especially because of an IT issue? For years, one universal standard to measure downtime is calculating the “cost to business”. However, the overall loss to the business is much bigger than we can actually see. The impact of a single IT failure on the top or bottom line of a business cannot be measured by just calculating the loss to revenue. Many business owners claim that they can afford to go down for an extended period, neglecting to consider consequences like reduced profitability and total business failure. But the truth is that no business owner wants to see the downtime. In order to understand this, let’s calculate how costly a single downtime event can cost your business.
We are producing more data than ever before. According to computer giant IBM, more than 2.5 quintillion bytes is produced every day and it’s growing fast. There were an estimated 6.4 billion connected “things” in 2016, up 30% from the previous year. We are also continuously sending and receiving data over digital networks. This unstoppable growth is unsustainable if we don’t act smart and manage the chunks of Big data that we all produce, store, and constantly share.
7 Must-Follow Steps to Keep Your Cryptocurrency Safe
Did you know a lot of people have lost Bitcoins worth in tens of thousands of Dollars which could have been prevented by proper safety precautions? Because of popularity, you need to focus on security measures to keep your wallets and investment portfolios safe. Think of it, if you have a weak link in your crypto security, it wouldn’t take much to hack the wallet and move your assets.
Spyware, Ransomware, Malware, Keyloggers, Scareware… there are endless names of cybercriminals who are constantly searching for their next big target. It seems like these malicious software/programs lurk around every corner of the internet. Be it threatening email attachment, false advertisements or any pop-up message, cybercriminals find the subtle way every time to reach their target and steal personal information/data. As you are aligning for growth in 2018 are you also equipped to fight against growing cyber attacks?